9 July 2024

Last week the Australian parliamentary Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport published its report into the State of Diabetes in Australia.  It is a milestone report reflecting that 1.5 million Australians – or 5% of the country’s population – are known to live with diabetes, and this is rising.  Diabetes Research WA made a submission to the Committee focusing on the urgent need for increased research funding and the coordination of diabetes research in Australia.

The Committee has made 23 key recommendations for the Government and has provided evidence showing that we have much to do to improve the access to new diabetes technologies and live-saving medications, and to better prevent, delay and manage the disease.

Importantly for diabetes research, the Committee recognised the under-funding of diabetes research work in this country, and has recommended a well-coordinated, funded and integrated diabetes research program involving long term investment to support a cohort of researchers.  In particular, given the skill and knowledge base in Australia, the Committee recommends the Government consider increased funding for Type 1 diabetes research and clinical trials.

We encourage you to read the report and covering media release, which can be found at the following links:

Media Release – Diabetes in Australia in 2024 – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au).

Report – The State of Diabetes Mellitus in Australia in 2024 – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au).

Diabetes Research WA is proud to continue its long-standing role in funding important diabetes research projects, and looks forward to the Government’s response.